My Therapy House® is accredited under the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) at a Certificate Level.

The Australian Service Excellence standards were established and based on the set of standards below:

  • State Treasury Financial Management Framework
  • Quality Improvement Council Standards
  • ACHS Equip Standards
  • Commonwealth Home and Community Care Standards
  • ISO 9001:2000 Standards
  • Disability Services Standards (1-8)
  • Aged Care Accreditation Standards
  • Mental Health Reform Standards

The Australian Service Excellence Standards is a set of standards that ensure quality of service, provide frameworks which support effective management of resources, and to support organizations to provide a better service through greater understanding of the needs of our clients, and improve organizations accountability.

The following principles form the foundation for ASES accreditation:

  • Client focused services to ensure clients and their families receive respect and understanding of their specific needs for support, information, communication, and choice of services provided. We believe it is extremely important that Clients are able to provide feedback regarding their
  • The importance of accountability throughout the organization through a strong governance structure and leadership model to ensure best possible services are provided and level of success is measured.
  • The importance of continuous learning within the organization to ensure all systems and processes add value and support continual quality services being provided.
  • The organization is seen to value people and diversity by supporting staff, clients, and families levels of capacity to learn as well as provide flexible environments which allow them to reach their full potential.
  • The organization understands that by utilizing collaborative work practices that this strengthens and develops relationships between staff as well as clients and families as well as other key stakeholders. This develops a culture which supports innovation and growth.
  • Evidence based decision making is core to services that the organization provides. This way of decision making ensures clear rationale, strategies for risk management, the use of data and the analysis of data to assist in future planning and future services provided.
  • The importance of social, environmental, and ethical responsibility by responding to the communities needs and providing valuable input and services to the community in an ethical and environmentally friendly manner.

The Australian Service Excellence Standards are soundly based on a wide range of best practice models, industry and legislative standards and various documents that impact on Community Services. They enable the organization to have a structure to ensure continuous improvement as well as utilize evidence-based practices within the organization.

The audit for the Australian Service Excellence Standards involves external auditors reviewing all of our documentation and processes and ensuring Management, Staff and Clients understand the processes and that clients feel the service is for them. Audits are performed every 3 years.

We are also registered with the Disability Services Provider Panel in South Australia.

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